
It's funny how the ratio of mental health awareness to the depletion of mental health among people in general is becoming directly proportional.
The fact that I, with each word that I am writing here, am giving a second thought to even posting it, is an inclusive part of the package of emotions that I've been feeling for the past 4–5 months. 
I am strong, it'll be okay, this shall pass too, let's give it some time; all of these were certainly the digest of initial few days, but things went slowly and insanely down ahead. Not being able to get up from bed for the whole day, not being able to sleep for nights, immense physical symptoms of anxiety, dysregulated appetite, irrational behaviour, sudden and short lived outpouring of happiness and hyperactivity, followed by a great feeling of void, nothingness, worthlessness and innumerable and untimely breakdowns, behavioural patterns that cannot be articulated were all a part of it.
The fact that why I ended up in this place holds less of its value when I am here to talk about what helped me through it. TALKING AND BEING HEARD, not even an ounce of my energy is sitting idle when I am saying this with all of it in me.
As I grew up, my life has been about believing and making attempts of pursuing the most empathetic, kind and loving practices all along, but I must admit that the concept of quality conversations is the most important and beautiful part of the whole spectrum of humanity and kindness if we say.
One must wonder what in terms of such issue, a quality conversation could do? So to simplify it further I'd say it's an aspect where you're being provided a safe space to talk to, to raise the dumbest of questions that shout for help or validation for that very moment, exhibiting that vulnerability where you seek a hand to hold that will give you even a little bit of acknowledgement of being an alive, existing conscious being, that space which makes you aware of yourself and the magic you hold within. 
I was lucky enough to have few such people around me that would listen to me for hours, even if the scripts were the same of our conversations, they did intend to bless me with their most precious time and made efforts for my well being. I cannot even articulate the feeling of abundance they have left me with, I owe them a lot. I still am trying and recovering, working on old patterns and trying my best. I feel weak, as if I'm some embryo.
I know we are all busy and complex human beings, we have our own choices and regulated energy distribution for people as per our will, but if, God forbid, you come across any such person that is giving you slightest of hints of some mental or physical suffering, spare two minutes of your time and ask with all your genuineness that 'Are you okay?' 'Is there anything I can help you with?' 'I am here, if you want to talk about anything?' You cannot imagine what wonders it could do for someone.
Listen if someone wants to share something with you. Help if you can. Trust me, asking for help when you are considering yourself as a disposable liability in life is the toughest task to do. Create that safe space with few humble words and you can help a lot. 
© Kashish Saxena 


  1. Anonymous18.1.23

    I totally agree, having someone by your side can really make the change.

  2. Anonymous18.1.23

    A delight to read always .... And truly said ! There should be someone to whom you express


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